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Who is ZOOMing Who?

Damsel Fly Zoom Judging Zoom Training

I wish I had the foresight to have invested in shares in Zoom, the video-sharing conferencing platform, back in early January as with Covid, the Zoom.us platform has certainly come of age!

Malahide Camera Club, of which I am a member, was one of the first camera clubs in the country to adopt the Zoom platform and it is now our regular way of meeting on a Thursday night. I was able to join distant speakers from far off lands from the comfort of my own home (even with a beer in hand) and watch up close annihilation of what looked like great images but on the Zoom platform the judge could explain and easily show the faults that lay within! Still, I even managed to win in the advance section of my club with the attached image of a damsel fly, taken during a Covid walk.

Being able to see images up close and personal on my own screen is a fantastic way to show photography and alas I fear many a competition going forward will be shown this way. Fear, yes, because less competitions will be printed, less printed images less paper sold and so on. The Zoom platform is just so good for viewing and commenting on images.

That said, I even got in on the act myself and recently did a judging for Gorey Camera Club in mid May and followed up with a lesson in Photoshop, showing how I would prepare images for printing in a competition. I'm told the members really enjoyed it!! Anyway, if you want to join me on Zoom for a camera club night, a training or tutorial evening or such like, then just drop me a message. Check out Zoom.us yourself by clicking here, if you don't already use it!

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