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****Buy an Epson printer from us and receive 10% discount code for paper orders placed via the web.******
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Printer sales on the up!

When Mike, an amateur photographer (who takes professional quality photographs) contacted me with a view to updating his Epson R3000 (A3+) with a printer that could produce larger prints for a forthcoming exhibition he was planning I assumed he meant an A2 printer.

However, that could not have been further from the truth as he quickly explained that he wanted to print BIGGGG! So without much hesitation he settled on the New Epson Surcolor P8000 printer capable of printing on 44" rolls, but that was the easy bit! A quick site survey of Mike's penthouse apartment high up in fashionable Malahide revealed that Mike's plans might be hard to realise. You see Mike wants to print from home and although his apartment has modern wide-door access and a lift to his front door it was never designed to get a P8000 delivered. The lift was too short (only by a few inches) and the stairwell twisted and turned like a python around it's prey. Putting the printer into the lift and raising one end would not work as the depth of the printer was millimeters too large.

No the answer was simple, if Mike wanted a printer in his penthouse it was going up vertically! Either by the twisting stairs or the lift? So with out much fuss the machine (measuring 73" long without the packaging) was delivered and man-handled into the corridor, then unpacked, packaging left on one end (extra 3") tilted vertical onto two sheets of gloss MDF boards and slid into the lift with less that 2" height clearance. My son Thomas accompanied it skywards where we, having run up the stairs met him and we simply rotated it back down onto it's trolley and wheeled it into it's new location inside Mike's spacious apartment. Simple!

Delighted to say that Mike is now up and running and printing beautiful  44" wide images on Canson fine art papers.

All in a days work!!!!

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